Green Fibre Bottle prototype close up.jpg



Vores ambition er at opnå ZERO Packaging Waste


Med udviklingen af vores bæredygtighedsprogram fra Together Towards ZERO (TTZ) til Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB) har vi tilføjet emballage som et nyt ESG-fokusområde. Inden for dette område har vi en ambition om ZERO Packaging Waste, som danner grundlag for nye mål og aktiviteter i både vores værdikædes up- og downstreamsaktiviteter og nye milepæle frem mod 2030.

Vi vil gå Beyond ved at sikre, at 100 % af vores flasker og dåser kan genbruges, genanvendes eller kommer fra fornybare ressourcer, og at 90 % af disse indsamles og genanvendes efter brug. Vi arbejder desuden mod en reduktion på 50 % af ny fossilbaseret plast og 50 % genanvendt indhold i vores flasker og dåser.

De initiativer vi lancerer for at nå vores ambition om ZERO Packaging Waste, vil også skabe resultater, der vil fremskynde vores mål om ZERO Carbon Footprint i hele vores værdikæde inden 2040.



  • 100% af vores emballage skal være genbrugelig, genanvendelig eller vedvarende 
  • 90% af vores flasker og dåser skal indsamles og genanvendes 
  • 50% reduktion i vores forbrug af ny plast produceret på fossilt brændstof
  • 50% af materialet i vores flasker og dåser skal bestå af genanvendt materiale 


Launching glass bottles with up to 90% lower carbon impact

With the glass bottle supplier Encirc, we're taking a step closer to ZERO carbon footprint, with a trial demonstrating the possibility to cut the carbon impact of glass bottles by up to 90%.

Snap Pack. An innovation to reduce plastic

Snap Pack cuts plastic usage on multipacks by up to 76%, leading the way in ground-breaking innovations.

Thirsty for more?

Explore our other ambitions
ZERO Carbon Footprint

ZERO Carbon Footprint

We will continue delivering on our Together Towards ZERO commitments, including our target of ZERO carbon emissions at our breweries and a 30% reduction of our beer-in-hand footprint by 2030. In addition to this, we will go Beyond by working towards a new target to achieve net ZERO carbon emissions across our entire value chain by 2040.

ZERO Water Waste

ZERO Water Waste

We will continue on the path set forth in our Together Towards ZERO programme with yearly improvements in water efficiency and an industry-leading global target of 2.0 hl/hl in water usage, while maintaining our 1.7 hl/hl target for breweries in areas of high water risk. 

ZERO Farming Footprint

ZERO Farming Footprint

With the evolution of our ESG programme from Together Towards ZERO (TTZ) to Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB), we have introduced agriculture as a new ESG focus area. Within this, we have a ZERO Farming Footprint ambition which includes new targets and activities in our upstream value chain, and new milestones towards 2030 and 2040.